Children and young people
Our work in this field includes studies examining the economic impact of early intervention and investment in children and young people’s services. We have also conducted area-based evaluations in disadvantaged communities and studies of specific groups, such as children in the care system or homeless young people. As well as evaluations, we have conducted needs assessments to inform investment decisions and research on ways in which future trends could impact on those needs.
Evaluation of a Brain Health Village
Comparative study of child poverty: NI and ROI
This comparative study of child poverty rates, explored the rates and determinants of child poverty in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Corn Fakes
Since 2013, there is evidence that Kellogg's has been removing key mirconutrients from its breakfast cereals in Mexico.
Breaking Point
In March 2019, Barnardos commissioned Just Economics to undertake research on the impact of the current funding environment on their services.
Youth Work Ireland
YWI uses an innovative Integrated Youth Service Model with the aim of ensuring that young people receive a high quality, efficient and effective service that treats them as a ‘whole person’.
Microsoft YouthSpark
YouthSpark is a flagship programme of Microsoft Philanthropies that aims to enable young people around the world to learn digital and computer science skills.
An economic appraisal of the Youngballymun initiative
Just Economics and the National University of Ireland, Maynooth were commissioned to carry out an area-based impact assessment of the Youngballymun project.
An SROI of Fifteen London
Started by the Jamie Oliver Foundation, Fifteen London is a social enterprise that trains disadvantaged young people in culinary skills with the aim of improving their employment outcomes.
An SROI of Bookstart
Bookstart seeks to promote reading amongst low-income families.
Mental health needs of children in secure settings
Funded by Amnesty International and carried out in partnership with other research organisations, this project mapped the mental health needs of young people in secure settings.
Connecting young people in Africa
Internet access is still beyond the reach of many people worldwide.
Limerick Youth Housing Report
Just Economics was commissioned to evaluate the Limerick Youth Housing Project (LHYP), a homelessness intervention modelled on the Housing First approach developed in the US and Canada.